Asafi Mosque
Asafi Mosque
Asafi Mosque
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An imambara is the tomb of a Shi'ite Muslim holy man -- was built in 1784 by Asaf-ud-Daula as a famine relief project. The central hall of the Imambara, 50 metres long and 15 metres high, is one of the largest vaulted galleries in the world and the roof has been put together with interlocking bricks without using a beam or a girder. An external stairway leads to an upper floor laid out as an amazing labyrinth known as the bhulbhulaiya, where a guide may be useful in finding one's way around . From the top there's a fine view over the city and of the Aurangzeb Mosque. Entry is Rs 10 and includes a visit to the ancient well or baoli and to Rumi Darwaza (This colossal, ornate gateway is said to be a facsimile of one of the gates of Constantinople. It was built by Nawab Asaf-ud-Daula in 1784, to create employment during the terrible famine of 1784.). Also in the complex is the grand Asafi Mosque also called Shahi Masjid with two tall minarets in the courtyard of the Imambara . To the right of this, in a row of cloisters, is the baoli, the 'bottomless' well. The Imambara is open from 0600 hours to 1700 hours.

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